Monday, July 30, 2012

[Ebook] Chicken Soup for the Kid’s Soul

Today's kids face grave issues and harder decisions than ever before. Gang warfare, violence, drugs, alcohol, smoking, pregnancy, depression and suicide have found their way into middle and elementary schools. Divorce splits apart families every day. These issues make kids feel as if they must understand and accept all the troubles of the world.

Now more than ever, kids want and need the inspiration and hope that Chicken Soup for the Soul provides. In this special volume, young readers will find empowerment and encouragement to love and accept themselves, believe in their dreams, find answers to their questions and discover hope for a promising future.


Friday, July 27, 2012

[Ebook] Chicken Soup for the Soul - A Christmas Treasury

Christmas is truly a magical time of the year. The smell of fresh pine fills the air, the taste of hot apple cider tantalizes our taste buds and sparkling lights brighten our homes. Yet despite these sensory sensations, it is the thing we cannot see or smell or taste or touch that affects us most deeply: the spirit of love and giving that is the true meaning of Christmas.
Now you can foster this holiday spirit with those you love, by sharing with them the first-ever Chicken Soup for the Soul Christmas Treasury, a timeless collection of stories that celebrate the magic of the season. In this special volume, you'll find some of the most treasured gems from previous Chicken Soup books plus a wealth of new stories from real people who share with you their most cherished holiday moments – from the humorous to the hopeful, from the sentimental to the silly, from the memorable to the truly miraculous.

A sea captain is saved from certain death during a winter storm because of his daughter's practical gift; a young girl shows an aimless drifter the importance of being home for the holidays; Robert Fulghum muses about poinsettias and pageants; Dave Barry shares the humor in putting up the perfect tree; Joan Wester Anderson reveals how an unexpected blessing proves to a woman that she isn't alone; and one father's gift to his sick daughter not only heals her, but graces future generations with one of our most beloved holiday poems.

These stories and so many more will fill your heart with the profound joy that Christmas brings. Share this special holiday keepsake with those you love.

download | pdf | updated 27.7.2012

[Ebook] Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul 2

download | pdf | updated 27.7.2012

[Ebook] Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul

download | pdf | updated 27.7.2012

[DVD] LeapFrog: Sing and Learn With Us 2011 (ISO 2.62 GB)

Discover reading fun with 12 sing-along stories starring the Us band! Let reading take center stage with Al, Og, Meg, Izzy and Gus! Sing, laugh and learn about vowels with these animated tales Us - and you!

Sing and Learn with us includes new characters; Al, Og, Meg, Izzy and Gus. These toe-tapping characters perform 12 animated sing-along shorts focusing on developmental reading skills; such as, short vowels, phonics skills (word building) and comprehension - skills perfect for the preschool to first grade crowd. Great for those kiddos that have some knowledge of the sounds letters make and who are ready to start building CVC words. The music included is fun and catchy, and it's easy for kids to follow along on the screen with the words being highlighted as you go. It is nice to always see all the words on the bottom of the screen. A beginning reader can follow along and read while watching. My Pre-K child enjoyed the DVD very much. It is 30 minutes and it seems to cover enough material without overwhelming the child with too much details.

Special Features:
• 12 printable sing-along storybooks
• 3 printable coloring sheets

download | ISO | 7 zip

[Ebook] 12 ebooks Britannica Discovery Library

download | 12 in 1 | pdf

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Quang Lê - Không Phải Tại Chúng Mình (2012) [NRG]

download | NRG | 595 MB: part 1    part 2    part 3

[Nhạc thiếu nhi] Bé Xuân Mai (mp3)

  Danh sách bài hát:

1-2-3-4 Ut cung - Xuan Mai.mp3
36 Thu chim - Xuan Mai.mp3
Ai thuong con nhieu hon - Xuan Mai.mp3
Ban tay - Xuan Mai.mp3
Bau troi em yeu - Xuan Mai.mp3
Be hoc dan piano - Xuan Mai.mp3
Be ti ti - Xuan Mai.mp3
Bingo - Xuan Mai.mp3
Bup be bang bong - Xuan Mai.mp3
Ca dao tuc ngu Viet Nam - Xuan Mai.mp3
Ca tuan deu ngoan - Xuan Mai.mp3
Cay truc xinh - Xuan Mai.mp3
Cham chi - Xuan Mai.mp3
Chim chich bong - Xuan Mai.mp3
Chim non le phep - Xuan Mai.mp3
Chu chuot nhat - Xuan Mai.mp3
Chu ech con - Xuan Mai.mp3
Chu tho con - Xuan Mai.mp3
Con chim hot tren canh cay - Xuan Mai.mp3
Con chim non - Xuan Mai.mp3
Con ga gay le te - Xuan Mai.mp3
Cung di deu - Xuan Mai.mp3
Cuoi ngua tre - Xuan Mai.mp3
Day chu meo oi - Xuan Mai.mp3
Di hoc - Xuan Mai.mp3
Duoi chim - Xuan Mai.mp3
Em di choi thuyen - Xuan Mai.mp3
Em di hoc - Xuan Mai.mp3
Ga trong - Meo con - Cun con - Xuan Mai.mp3
Ganh ganh gong gong - Xuan Mai.mp3
Gau va rung xanh - Xuan Mai & Top ca.mp3
Hai con than lan con - Xuan Mai.mp3
Head and shoulders - Xuan Mai.mp3
Ho ba ly - Xuan Mai.mp3
Hoa be ngoan - Xuan Mai.mp3
Hoa trong vuon - Xuan Mai.mp3
Lien khuc ca nha thuong nhau - Xuan mai va ca ban.mp3
Lien khuc chu vit con - Xuan mai.mp3
Lien khuc con chim non - Xuan mai.mp3
Ly cay bong - Xuan Mai.mp3
Mua nong may - Xuan mai.mp3
Mua roi - Xuan mai.mp3
Nam ngon tay ngoan - Xuan mai.mp3
Ngay dau tien di hoc - Xuan mai.mp3
Ngoi truong cua em - Xuan mai.mp3
Nho cha - Xuan mai - Ngoc son.mp3
Ong va buom - Xuan mai.mp3
Peter taps with hammer - Xuan mai.mp3
That dang yeu - Xuan mai.mp3
That la hay - Xua mai.mp3
This old man - Xuan mai.mp3
Tieng trong truong - Xuan mai.mp3
Toi la cai binh tra nho - Xuan mai.mp3
Vao rung hoa - Xuan mai.mp3
Vi sao chim hay hot - Xuan mai.mp3
Vi sao con meo rua mat - Xuan mai.mp3
Vuon chim - Xuan mai.mp3
You are my sunshine - Xuan mai.mp3
download | 58 file(s) | 7 zip | 211 MB:  part 1    part 2

[Ebook] SkillsBooster

download | 4 in 1 | updated 27.7.2012: part 1   part 2

[Ebook] Oxford First Dictionary

download | updated 27.7.2012

Kindergarten Activity Book (10 ebooks)

download | 10 in 1 | Updated 27.7.2012

[Ebook] Ladybird - Topsy and Tim 2

download | 13 in one | updated 27.7.2012: part 1    part 2